Soft Tissue Augmentation

There are various types of soft tissue augmentation procedures with different goals of treatment.

Some soft tissue procedures are intended to treat recession and gain root coverage while yielding thicker and more attached and protective gingiva (gum). Other procedures do not yield root coverage but can still correct mucogingival defects (thin, fragile, and unstable gums) and restore the periodontium to a state of health and stability. There are also soft tissue augmentation procedures that are intended to reconstruct a deficient area where there is a missing tooth/teeth. Lastly, some soft tissue augmentation procedures are completed in order to enhance esthetic outcome of implants and/or other fixed and/or removable prostheses.

The goal of all soft tissue procedures is to improve comfort, function, prognosis, and esthetics that can be maintained adequately by both the patient and dental professional.

If a soft tissue augmentation procedure is recommended, the specific goals and techniques of that procedure will be discussed in detail.